Tips on How to Keep Your Dog Calm at Halloween!

Tips to keep your dog calm at Halloween

Halloween is a time of excitement and fun for humans, but for our furry friends, it can be a source of anxiety and stress. The costumes, decorations, fireworks and trick-or-treaters can all be overwhelming for dogs. However, with a little preparation and some thoughtful strategies, you can help keep your dog calm and comfortable during Halloween. In this blog post, we’ll explore some tips and tricks to ensure your canine companion has a stress-free Halloween.

Creat a Safe Place

One of the best ways to keep your dog calm during Halloween is to create a safe space where they can retreat if things get too overwhelming. This space should be quiet, comfortable, and away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday festivities. A calming donut bed is perfect for this. A spare bedroom or a cozy corner with your dog’s bed and toys can work well. Make sure your dog has access to this space throughout the evening.

Desensitise Your Pets to Loud Noises

In the weeks leading up to Halloween it may be a good idea to get your pet use to the loud noises asssociated with halloween such as fireworks. You can do this by playing firework noises on YouTube here’s one to try. Start out at a low volume and gradually work up to a higher volume in the weeks before. The earlier this is started the better outcome you will see at Halloween. Make sure there is lots of positive reinforcements such as treats and belly rubs to let them know they’re doing great.

Block out Noises and Distractions

The noise of trick-or-treaters at the door or fireworks can be particularly stressful for dogs. Consider using white noise on YouTube, calming music, and closing curtains to block out outside distractions and reduce anxiety. For some dogs with severe anxiety or even those who may just get to over-excited with all the commotion of the constant knocks on the door, It may be a good idea to leave a bucket of sweets with a sign such as “Our dog is scared this time of year, No need to ring the bell, Please take a bag of sweets and have a Happy Halloween!”.

Exercise early in the Day

Before the evening festivities begin, take your dog for a long walk or engage in some active playtime. A tired dog is generally a calmer dog, and expending excess energy will make it easier for them to relax later in the evening.

Consider Products that may Help with Anxiety

There are several calming products on the market to help calm and relieve anxiety in pets. Some may give an instant result and some may need to be used for a few weeksto see results.


YuCalm Chewies natural, scientifically proven ingredients help your dog cope with stress. They’re ideal for pets who are fearful of fireworks, other dogs, strangers or being left alone. Ideally start a few weeks before Halloween

Pet Remedy

Pet Remedy Party Season Survival Kit should be started in the days leading up to Halloween/Fire work season

Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers called neuro-transmitters, which work by telling the nerve receiving the message  either to calm (via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’.

In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated, which leads on to the many different signs of stress we see in our pets.

The special Pet Remedy blend of essential oils works alongside these natural relaxation pathways to help calm the nerves of anxious or stressed pets.


HomeoPet Anxiety Relief medicine can help promote relief from fear and anxiety in dogs, cats and other animals related to separation, kenneling, vet or grooming visits, and other stressful situations. A safe and natural aid for anxious pets, this homeopathic medicine can help provide relief from the symptoms of anxiety such as restlessness, barking, whining, crying, panting, unwanted behavior or feather plucking in birds.

Licking Mats

Licking mats are a great way to sooth and pre-occupy your pet. Keeping their mind distracted from the loud noises can really help with anxiety. Licking is naturally soothing for dogs and cats. Add a variety of things your dog likes such as wet food, yogurt, fruits, veggies, fish or peanut butter. Our favourite toppings are Edgard Cooper wet food trays and Pooch Butter. Find a selection of Lick Mats here.